Tatkal Booking start soon & Advance Reservation Period for all Trains to be incresed.

Railways has decided to increased the advance reservation period (ARP) of all special trains including AC-Non Ac Trains from 30 days to 120 days. Booking of parcel and luggage may be allowed in these trains.
The above changes in ARP comes in implemented with effect from 08:00 hrs of train booking date of 31stMay20

Railway has initially started 30 (15 Pairs) Rajdhani type fully AC special trains from 12-05-2020 ARP was such train was 7 Days later ARP of these trains was increased to 30 Days with after announcing of 200 (100 Pairs) AC-Non Ac Special Trains on other routes from 01-06-2020.

The terms like CURRENT BOOKING, TATKAL QUOTA, PREMIUM TATKAL QUOTA, Waitlist type like RSWL (Road Side Wait list) will be same as regular trains.

Passengers will able to book TATKAL tickets in these special trains same as regular trains from 29thJune20 for trains Journey Commencing on 30thJune20 from source.

Except these the time table, schedule and halt shall remain same as per regular trains in corresponding route from source to destination. Ex- The time table, schedule and halt of 02295 Banglore City - Danapur Special Express will be same as regular train 12295 Banglore City - Danapur Sanghamitra Express in both direction i.e. 02296 will follow schedule halt and time table of regular 12296.
Note:- Still we request to passenger before boarding the train kindly confirm details officially with Railways.

Fare structure will be same as per regular trains there is no changes have made in fare structure.
RAC and Waitlist tickets have been already started for all special trains including AC-Non Ac classes however only confirm ticket holders will allow to board the trains.

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