Railway has run more tha 1800 Shramik Special Trains for migrant workers till 20th May more tha 20 lakh migrants workers have reached to their home, on 19th May railway has run 204 trains this quantity is to increased upto 400 trains daily so that migrant workers could reach to their home, during this to ensure passengers should reach to their home safely railway is following the rules of lockdown.
Except Sharmik special Ministry of Railway has announced to run regular non-ac special trains on other routes as like AC Rajdhani special train booking of these train will available on IRCTC website and IRCTC Rail Connect App.
Except Sharmik special Ministry of Railway has announced to run regular non-ac special trains on other routes as like AC Rajdhani special train booking of these train will available on IRCTC website and IRCTC Rail Connect App.